Rainy Day in Sunny Hvar!

While in Croatia last month I had the opportunity to take the ferry over to Hvar. The island is known as the “sunniest spot in Europe” but as my luck would have it, it began to rain cats and dogs as soon as we set foot on the island. We attempted to do some sightseeing but gave up after visiting the Franciscan Monastery and tucked into the Adriana for a delicious lunch of tomato soup. After drying off, warming up and refueling we decided to brave the elements once again.

Mother Nature was not on our side as we attempted to see the Arsenal. It began to rain so hard the steps to the entrance became flooded as a river gushed down the stairs. We would have turned back except we had been promised there was a woman inside who was selling lavender knick knacks. Money had been burning a whole in our pockets all day and we could not take it any longer. All of us determined women joined hands and formed a human chain slowly ascending the treacherous waterfall. Our efforts were rewarded when we not only found the woman but also discovered a small bar serving great Croatian wine! This poor Croatian woman didn’t know what hit her as we stormed her display and scooped up everything in sight; lavender oils, lavender sachets, lavender doted chocolate and dried lavender.

After drying off a little again and enjoying our drinks, it was time to head back to the ferry. And although I cannot agree Hvar is the sunniest spot, I can agree it is a charming island and I now have the best scented sheets around.

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